- Smart Home UI: https://github.com/Z-Wave-Me/zwave-smarthome
- Smart Home Lite UI: https://github.com/Z-Wave-Me/z-wave-smarthome-lite/tree/mobile
- Expert UI: https://github.com/Z-Wave-Me/ExpertUI
- Expert UI: https://github.com/Z-Wave-Me/ExpertUI
For a better integration during running developments, please use Home Automation develop branch for your pull requests.
- Z-Way Essentials (PDF Download)
- http://docs.zwayhomeautomation.apiary.io/ (still in work)
- Home Automation changelog
- Smart Home UI changelog
- Expert UI changelog
- Full z-way-server changelog on https://z-wave.me
Create an account and upload your own z-way home automation apps, share them with a special group or verify them for public access.
There are also some How To's about creating own apps for home automation and what to be considered during creating virtual Devices.
- Help and How To's
- also checkout the tab Upload-Process to see how it works
You can also find a list of all currently published apps
- https://forum.z-wave.me/ (discussions available in en/de/ru/fr/it/cn, posts about: RaZberry, Z-Uno ...)