
Resume Analyser is a command-line tool designed for evaluating how well a given resume aligns with a specific job posting. The tool utilizes advanced language models for understanding and comparing textual content, providing a score and detailed feedback.

Primary LanguagePython

Resume Analyser

A Python tool for analyzing the fit between a resume and a job posting, assigns a score then generates a cover letter automatically, runs with local models (ollama) or openai


Resume Analyser is a command-line tool designed for evaluating how well a given resume aligns with a specific job posting. The tool utilizes advanced language models for understanding and comparing textual content, providing a score and detailed feedback.



  • 🧠 Language Models: Integrates with OpenAI's GPT-3.5 Turbo and Ollama for natural language processing.
  • 📄 Resume Parsing: Extracts text content from PDF resumes for analysis.
  • 🌐 Job Site Scraping: Fetches job description content from specified URLs.
  • 🎯 Scoring System: Generates a score indicating the fit between the resume and job description.
  • ✉️ Cover Letter Generation: Automatically generates a cover letter if the fit is positive.


Make sure you have the following installed:


First, install ollama here https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama

$ curl https://ollama.ai/install.sh | sh
$ ollama pull mistral
  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/navicstein/resume-checker.git
cd resume-checker
  1. Install dependencies using Poetry:
poetry install
  1. Set up environment variables: Create a .env file with the following content:
LLM_MODEL="openai" # together | ollama

Run the tool:

python main.py --job-url="https://xxxxxxx" --resume="./path/to/resume.pdf"


  • Scrape and find jobs automatically
  • Auto apply for jobs if applicable after confirmation