
A Leiningen plugin for running JRuby commands.

Primary LanguageClojure


This is a Leiningen plugin that allows you to run JRuby commands from a Leiningen project.


Add [lein-jruby "0.1.0"] to the :plugins section of your project.clj


This plugin provides the following commands:

$ lein jruby bundle
$ lein jruby irb
$ lein jruby rake
$ lein jruby -S XXXX
$ lein jruby -e XXXX
$ lein jruby -v

For example, you can install some gem with bundler:

$ lein jruby bundle install --without production

Or you run a JRuby script like this:

$ lein jruby -S my_script.rb

Or you can execute a Rake task:

$ lein jruby rake assets:precompile

Or you can execute an inline script:

$ lein jruby -e "puts 42"

And of course you can start an irb session:

$ lein jruby irb
jruby-1.6.7 :001 >

You can also see what version of JRuby is running:

$ lein jruby -v
jruby 1.6.7 (ruby-1.8.7-p357) (2012-02-22 3e82bc8) (Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.6.0_29) [darwin-x86_64-java]

Eventually, an excplicit dependencies on a particular version of ruby in your project.clj will override this. But for now it's pegged to 1.6.7


Since 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT

You can configure the plugin by adding a :jruby-options to your project.clj. The supported options are:

  • :mode (either "1.8" or "1.9")

  • :bundler-version

See the sample/project.clj for examples.

Using RubyGems

Since 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT

The plugin is intened to work without a local installation of JRuby. It uses the JRuby provided by the org.jruby/jruby-complete. Thus, there won't be a natural RubyGems installation directory. Instead, lein-jruby will install all your Gems to the .lein-gems directory under your project's root.

When you run:

lein jruby gem install json

You'll see this:

`-- .lein-gems/
    `-- gems/
        |-- bin/
        |-- cache/
        |-- doc/
        |-- gems/
            `-- json-1.6.6-java
        `-- specifications/

And if you install via Bundler it will be a little different (there will be a jruby dir instead of a rubygems dir). But it will all be under .lein-gems. Eventually this will be configurable.

Where do I put my Ruby code?

Since 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT

Right now, you'll need to put your Ruby code under the src directory in your project root. When you run lein jruby irb or any other command, those sources should be on your loadpath.

Take a look at the example in the sample directory. There is a src/config.ru in it. When you run rackup like this:

lein jruby -S rackup
[2012-05-09 17:18:04] INFO  WEBrick 1.3.1
[2012-05-09 17:18:04] INFO  ruby 1.8.7 (2012-02-22) [java]
[2012-05-09 17:18:04] INFO  WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=6367 port=9292

It will boot up the app in that app. The app will have all your leiningen dependencies, and your clojure code on the classpath too!


  • add hooks

  • add configuration: bundler version, src dir

  • allow jruby in project.clj to override plugin's default version

  • irb isn't picking up the GEM_HOME (because of the way the task works)

  • make it bundler smart. if there is a Gemfile, you don't need to add bundle exec (but we'll also need to add a way to turn that off -- kind of like warbler does)