
FastAPI + Postgres + Docker Compose + Heroku Deploy Template

Primary LanguagePython

FastAPI + Postgres + Docker Compose + Heroku Deploy


  1. FastAPI with Postgres setup
  2. Docker container with docker-compose
  3. JWT User Authentication
  4. Modular Project Structure
  5. Heroku Deploy with Githu Actions
  6. Manage Migrations with Alembic script

TO-DO when Running on Local Machine

  1. Change entrypoint.sh file from

    alembic upgrade head
    uvicorn app.server:app --reload --host --port $PORT


    alembic upgrade head
    uvicorn app.server:app --reload --host --port 5000

If there is any changes to Database Schema

  1. $ sh mig.sh Example

    sh mig.sh
    Enter the Migration File name : 
    cluster groups org

    The resulting file name will be 21ce965c935e_cluster_groups_org.py

  2. Commit the migration files.

When Pushing to Main

  1. Change back --port 5000 to --port $PORT in entrypoint.sh