
Ever want to build your own furniture, but weren't sure where to start? Start here!

Primary LanguageOpenSCAD

Open Source Furniture

Ever want to build your own furniture, but weren't sure where to start? This project lets you generate instructions for a CNC machine so you can make kitchen chairs that fit you or your space exactly. Here are the steps:

  1. Get the code (it's here, on GitHub). You'll also need make and OpenSCAD.
  2. (optional) Modify the code to customize the chair.
  3. Run "make chair" to generate a rendered PNG of the chair, a 3D STL of the parts for exact dimensioning, or a 2D DXF for sending to a CAM program.



  1. Use a CAM program (like PartWorks - need an open source option here!), enter the dimensions of your size of wood and describe the cuts to generate G-code.


  1. Send G-code from CAM program to a CNC router. Maybe your local hackerspace or makerspace can help out.


  1. Trim, sand, glue, and finish your chair!



The SCAD files here are released under the MIT License