Large Kernel Distillation Network for Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Large Kernel Distillation Network for Efficient Single Image Super-Resolution

Chengxing Xie, Xiaoming Zhang, Linze Li, Haiteng Meng, Tianlin Zhang, Tianrui Li and Xiaole Zhao



pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py develop

How To Test

  • Refer to ./options/test/LKDN for the configuration file of the model to be tested, and prepare the testing data and pretrained model.
  • The pretrained models are available in ./experiments/pretrained_models/LKDN.
  • Then run the follwing codes (taking LKDN_x4.pth as an example):
python basicsr/test.py -opt options/test/LKDN/test_LKDN_x4.yml

The testing results will be saved in the ./results folder.

  • Refer to ./inference for inference without the ground truth image.
  • Refer to ./basicsr/calculate_params_flops.py for calculating the parameters and flops.

How To Train

  • Refer to ./options/train for the configuration file of the model to train.
  • Preparation of training data can refer to this page.
  • The training command is like:
python basicsr/train.py -opt options/train/LKDN/train_LKDN_x4.yml

More training commands can refer to this page.

The training logs and weights will be saved in the ./experiments folder.

How To Re-parameterize

Refer to ./pth for the validation and use of re-parameterization.

conv1x1_3x3.py, conv1x1.py and shortcut.py respectively verify the three re-parameterization methods.

del_params_ema.py simplifies the .pth file. (Remove the additional parameters retained when using EMA.)

print_pth.py prints the content of the .pth file.

reparm.py reparameterizes the model.

Note that the LKDN-S_del_rep_x4.pth is the model after re-parameterizing, and the LKDN-S_x4.pth is the model without re-parameterizing.


Benchmark results on SR ×4. Multi-Adds is calculated with a 1280 × 720 GT image.

Method Params[K] Multi-Adds[G] Set5 PSNR/SSIM Set14 PSNR/SSIM BSD100 PSNR/SSIM Urban100 PSNR/SSIM Manga109 PNSR/SSIM
BSRN 352 19.4 32.35/0.8966 28.73/0.7847 27.65/0.7387 26.27/0.7908 30.84/0.9123
VapSR 342 19.5 32.38/0.8978 28.77/0.7852 27.68/0.7398 26.35/0.7941 30.89/0.9132
LKDN 322 18.3 32.39/0.8979 28.79/0.7859 27.69/0.7402 26.42/0.7965 30.97/0.9140

The inference results on benchmark datasets are available at Google Drive or Baidu Netdisk.


If you have any question, please email zxc0074869@gmail.com.