Silly String

A string in Ruby is an data type that holds words, numbers, and other characters. A string is just data. This lab is going to be a refresher on how to create and manipulate strings. You'll code your solution in silly_string.rb

You can read about strings and all the methods available here.

NOTE: This lab does not have tests, so the learn command wont work. Instead, just write your code and test it out manually by running ruby silly_string.rb in the command line. If the output looks like it's intended to, you're good to go and can use learn submit to submit your work!


  1. Create a string that contains your favorite word. It can be in any language!

  2. Using a method built into ruby, capitalize every letter in the string you just created

  3. Now let's make all the characters lowercase in the string "IM NOT SHOUTING"

  4. Using a method built into ruby, count how many letters are in the string "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"

  5. Now let's add more words to that string, using + just like in math. That's called concatenation. Let's add together to the two strings "wow" and "mom".

  6. Now let's capitalize just the first letter of the sentence "i really like programming"

  7. Let's take the string "Astounding aardvarks, arguably an ancient animal, always ate apples and acorns and artichokes all around Athens, amazing!". We want to use the gsub method to switch all A for O, as well as all a for o. We'll need to chain gsubs.

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