
A node package to control Insteon home automation devices

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

home-controller Build Status


home-controller is a node package to control Insteon home automation devices. The API uses the direct PLM connection over TCP. As of 0.3, the HTTP interface is no longer used. To control the Insteon devices, either an Insteon Hub or an Insteon SmartLinc must be accessible from the app.


  • Device and Gateway Info
  • Linking and Group Control
  • Lighting Control
  • Thermostat Control Coming soon


Install via npm:

npm install home-controller


Note: As of version 0.3 the function on, onFast, off, and offFast have been renamed to turnOn, turnOnFast, turnOff, and turnOffFast. This was done to remove the name conflict with EventEmitter.

Insteon Gateway

Class: Insteon()

Add require statement to the app to access the Insteon class

var Insteon = require('home-controller').Insteon;

The Insteon class inherits EventEmitter

gw.connect(host, [port], [connectListener])

Creates a connection to the gateway.

When the 'connect' event is emitted the connection is established. If there is a problem connecting, the 'connect' event will not be emitted, the 'error' event will be emitted with the exception. (See socket.connect);

connectListener will be added as an listener for the 'connect' event.

var gw = new Insteon();
gw.connect('', function(){


Closes the connection to the gateway. The event 'close' will be emitted once the connection is closed.

Event: 'connect'

Emitted when the connection to the gateway is successfully established.

Event: 'close'

Emitted once the socket is fully closed. The argument had_error is a boolean which says if the socket was closed due to a transmission error. (See net.Socket Event: 'close')

Callback arguments

  • had_error Boolean true if the socket had a transmission error

Event: 'command'

Emitted when an unsolicited command is received. The argument command will be the command object.

Callback arguments

  • command received from gateway

Event: 'error'

Emitted when an error occurs. The 'close' event will be called directly following this event.

Insteon Linking and Scene Functions

gw.link([device,] [options,] callback)

Links device(s) to gateway. Callback return link object as second argument (see gw.links).

device is the device to link. It can either be a device id (6 digit hex String), an Array of ids, or null. If a device id is provided, the device will be linked. If an array of ids is provided, each devices will be configured linked. If device is null, the device must be put into linking state manually (hold set button). The device will be setup as the responder, unless the controller option is true.

options is an Object with the options to be used during linking.

Link Options Object
  controller: Boolean, // link the device(s) as a controller(s)
  group: Number, // controller group/button
  timeout: Number // timeout for manual linking

group is the controller group to link the responders to. Valid group numbers vary by device type. The hub supports group numbers 0-255. Default is 1.

timeout is the number of milliseconds to wait for linking to complete. (Remember you have to hold the set button for at least 10 seconds.)Default is 30000 ms.

gw.scene(controller, responder, [options,] callback)

Creates scene controller with responder(s). All devices must be available and linked to the gateway.

controller is the device to setup as controller. It can either be a device id (6 digit hex String), the string 'gw', or null. If a device id is provided, the device will be configured as the controller. If controller is 'gw' the gateway will be configured as the controller.

responder is the device to setup as responder. It can either be a responder object or an Array of responder objects. The responder object can also be the device id (6 digit hex String); default scene values will be used.

Responder Object
  id: String, // device id (6 digit hex String)
  level: Number, // See level in gw.turnOn()
  rate: Number, // See rate in gw.turnOn()
  data: Array  // data to be configure for scene (overrides level and rate)]

options is an Object with the options to be used during linking.

Scene Options Object
  group: Number, // controller group/button (default: 1)
  remove: boolean // remove existing responders if not passed in responder (default: false)

group is the controller group to link the responders to. Valid group numbers vary by device type. The hub supports group numbers 0-255. Default is 1.

timeout is the number of milliseconds to wait for linking to complete. (Remember you have to hold the set button for at least 10 seconds.) Default is 30,000 ms.

var gw = Insteon('my.home.com');

// Link two devices with for 2nd button on dimmer
gw.link('AABBCC', '112233', {group: 2}, function(error, link) {
  // link data from responder, 11.22.33

// Link gateway to multiple devices
gw.link('gw', ['111111', '222222', '333333'], function(error, link) {
  // link data from last responder, 33.33.33

// Link device to gateway
gw.link('ABCDEF', 'gw', function(error, link) {
  // link data from gateway

// Shorthand to link gateway to unknown device
gw.link(function(error, link) { // link('gw', null, fn)
  // link data from unknown device (responder)

// Link unknown device to gateway (same as link(null, 'gw', fn))
gw.link(null, 'gw', function(error, link) {
  // link data from gateway

// Shorthand to a device to an unknown device 
gw.link('123456', function(error, link) {  // link('123456', null, fn)
  // link data from gateway

gw.unlink([[controller,] responder,] [options,] callback)

Unlinks device from the gateway

See link for usage.


Cancels linking/unlinking

gw.links([id,] callback)

Gets the links of a device or the gateway

Links are returned in the callback as an Array of Link Objects.

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the device from which to retrieve the links.

Link Object
	id: String,
	group: Number,
	controller: Boolean,
	isInUse: Boolean,
	hasBeenUsed: Boolean,
	isLast: Boolean,
	data: Array(3)


Gets the first link record on the gateway


Gets the next link record on the gateway

gw.linkAt(id, at, callback)

Gets the link at a memory address on a device

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the device

at is the memory address. Addresses start at 4095 (0xFFF) and count down by 8. (4095, 4087, 4079, ... ).

Insteon Information Functions

gw.info([id,] callback)

Gets the product information about the gateway or a device. Product info object is returned in callback.

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the device from which to get the product info. If not provided, the gateway's product info will be returned.

var gw = Insteon('my.home.com');

// Get gateway info
gw.checkStatus(function(error, info) {
  // For details on the info object see below.

// Get Device info
gw.checkStatus('AABBCC', function(error, info) {
  // For details on the info object see below.
Info Object
  id: String,
  productKey, String,
  deviceCategory: {
    id: Number,
    name: String
  deviceSubCategory: {
    id: Number
  isDimmable: Boolean,
  isLighting: Boolean,
  isThermostat: Boolean

gw.ping(id, callback)

Sends a Insteon ping to a device. Response object is returned in the callback, if the ping was successful.

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the device from which to get the product info.

gw.version(id, callback)

Gets the version information about a device. Version object is returned in callback. Valid version names are i1, i2, and i2cs.

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the device from which to get the product info.

Version Object
  code: Number,
  name, String,

Insteon Lighting Functions

gw.turnOn(id, [level, [rate,]] callback)

Turns an Insteon dimmer switch on to the provided level

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch

level is the percentage (0-100) of full to which the dimmer is set. Non-dimmable switches ignore this and turn on to full. Defaults to 100 percent.

rate is the speed at which the light is turned on to the provided level. If not provided, the default saved ramp rate of the device is used. The rate value can either be 'slow', 'fast', or the number of milliseconds. 'fast' is 0.1 seconds. 'slow' is 1 minute. If milliseconds is provided, the closest defined ramp rate less than the provided value is used.

gw.turnOnFast(id, callback)

Turn light on fast (no ramp) to pre-saved level

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch.

gw.turnOff(id, [rate,] callback)

Turns light off

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch.

rate is the speed the light turns off. See on for values.

gw.turnOffFast(id, callback)

Turns light off fast (no ramp)

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch.

gw.brighten(id, callback)

Brightens the light one step

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch.

gw.dim(id, callback)

Dims the light one step

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch.

gw.level(id, [level,] callback)

Gets or sets the light's current level

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the light switch.

level is the percentage (0-100) of full to which the dimmer is set. If not provided, then the current level of the device is returned in the callback.

var gw = Insteon('my.home.com');

// Set light level
gw.level('AABBCC', 50, function(error) {

  // Get light level
  gw.level('AABBCC', function(error, level)){
    console.log(level); // Should print 50

Insteon Thermostat Functions

Coming Soon

Insteon Core Functions

For advanced users only. These function are leveraged by the higher level functions.

gw.sendCommand(command, [timeout,] callback)

Sends command to PLM function on the gateway

command can either be the String (hex byte) for the PLM command or the Command Object with a raw property.

Command Object:

  raw: String,
  type: String

timeout is the number of milliseconds to wait before checking the status. If timeout is omitted or null, the command doesn't check the status. timeout should be set to zero to check immediately.

gw.directCommand(id, command, [param,] [timeout,] callback)

Sends direct command to Insteon device

id is the id (6 digit hex String) of the device.

command can either be a hex String (length 2) or an Object. The String must be a standard direct command. If command is a String, then param can also be passed. The param will be defaulted to '00'. If the command is an extended command, it must be passed as an Object with the extended property.

Standard Command Object:

  cmd1: String,
  cmd2: String

Extended Command Object:

  extended: true,
  cmd1: String,
  cmd2: String,
  userData: Array


Checks the status of the gateway's buffer

This is used to read response messages. This buffer must be checked after each command if a response is expected. The buffer is overwritten each time a command is sent.

var gw = Insteon('my.home.com');
gw.checkStatus(function(error, status) {
  // For details on the status object see below.
Status Object

A Status Object will be returned in the callback. The Status Object format depends on the response type.

Get Modem Info Response (0x60) Status Object:

  command: Object,
  ack: Boolean,
  response: {
    raw: String,
    type: String,
    id: String,
    deviceCategory: {
      id: Number,
      name: String
    deviceSubcategory: {
      id: Number
    firewareVersion: String

Send Message Response (0x62) Status Object:

  command: Object,
  ack: Boolean,
  response: {
    raw: String,
    type: String,
    id: String,
    standard: {
      id: String,
      gatewayId: String,
      extended: false,
      messageType: Number,
      hopsLeft: Number,
      maxHops: Number,
      command1: String,
      command2: String,
      raw: String
    extended: {
      id: String,
      gatewayId: String,
      extended: true,
      messageType: Number,
      hopsLeft: Number,
      maxHops: Number,
      command1: String,
      command2: String,
      userData: Array(14),
      raw: String

All-Linking Response (0x64) Status Object:

  command: Object,
  ack: Boolean,
  response: {
    raw: String,
    type: String,
    controller: Boolean,
    wasDeleted: Boolean,
    group: Number,
    id: String,
    deviceCategory: {
      id: Number,
      name: String
    deviceSubcategory: {
      id: Number
    firmwareVersion: String

Get All-Link Record Response (0x69 & 0x6A) Status Object:

  command: Object,
  ack: Boolean,
  response: {
    raw: String,
    type: String,
    link: {
      controller: Boolean,
      isInUse: Boolean,
      hasBeenUsed: Boolean,
      isLast: Boolean,
      group: Number,
      id: String,
      data: Array(3)


To test the package run:

grunt test
