
Test suite for validating SEP-6, SEP-24, & SEP-31 transfer servers.



$ yarn
$ DOMAIN= npx jest

Testing a specific currency

$ DOMAIN=  CURRENCY=SRT npx jest -I -i cases/deposit.test.js

Running a specific test

$ DOMAIN=https://localhost:8000 npx jest -I -i cases-SEP24/deposit.test.js

Using a self-signed certificate

If you're developing locally and need to use a self-signed certificate, pass the env var NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED="0" in order to avoid the request to https://localhost:8000/.well-known/stellar.toml failed, reason: self signed certificate error.

Via Docker

$ docker build -t transfer-server-validator .
$ docker run  -p 3000:3000  transfer-server-validator
# to run in the CLI
$ docker run -e DOMAIN=http://< transfer-server-validator

Run a specified project via Docker

$ docker build -t transfer-server-validator .
$ docker run -p 3000:3000 -e PROJECT=SEP31 transfer-server-validator

Running Optional Tests

Normally optional tests do not run. You can include them in your test run in docker like so:

$ docker run -e RUN_OPTIONAL_TESTS=1 -e DOMAIN=http://< transfer-server-validator

And if you're running jest directly, you can use the --testPathIgnorePatterns flag:

DOMAIN= npx jest --testPathIgnorePatterns='\b(\w*optional\w*)\b'

The UI provides an option to run these optional tests as well.

Running the Server Locally

# Run the server+client
$ npm install
$ npm run start:dev

Run a specified project Locally

# Run the server+client
$ npm install
$ PROJECT=SEP24 npm run start:dev

# Or run from the command line
$ DOMAIN= npx jest --roots=cases-SEP6

Running test suite for mainnet anchors

When using, running the validation suite on mainnet is as easy as selecting the 'Run on mainnet' checkbox.

When running your own instance of this project, you have to specify the following environment variables

MAINNET=1 This lets the project know it should expect the anchor to use mainnet

MAINNET_MASTER_SECRET_KEY This is a stellar account secret key that is used to create temporary accounts for tests. This 'master' account must have at least 50 XLM in order to fund these accounts. When tests finish, the temporary accounts will be merged back to the master account.

Running from the command line should look like this ( does not run on mainnet)

$ DOMAIN= MAINNET=1 MAINNET_MASTER_SECRET_KEY=S... npx jest --roots=cases-SEP24

Running the client+server

$ MAINNET_MASTER_SECRET_KEY=S... npm run start:dev

Instructions for anchors

Automatic Deposit Approval

Our automated testing assumes that deposits are automatically approved for testnet deployments. This also makes it easier for manual testing so people can complete the flow without any coordination with the anchors.

Interactive flow testing

The transfer server validator does not test SEP-24 interactive flows, since they are custom for each anchor.