

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Orchestrating and monitoring the stellar ecosystem.




Instructions set to be able to deploy to centos7

sudo -s

sudo yum update

sudo yum install -y yum-utils \
  device-mapper-persistent-data \

sudo yum-config-manager \
  --add-repo \
sudo yum-config-manager --disable docker-ce-edge
sudo yum list docker-ce --showduplicates | sort -r

sudo yum install \
  docker-ce-18.06.1.ce-3.el7 \
  git \
  ntp \
  vim \

sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.23.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

sudo systemctl start ntpd
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo chkconfig docker on



yum install -y gcc-c++ make
curl -sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | sudo -E bash -
yum install nodejs
node -v
npm -v

Docker images


Builds the native application using cordova.

$ cd docker/images/builder
$ ./build.sh

Build mobile fussion app

$ cd docker/images/builder
$ ./run.sh workspace_path input_project output_project
  • workspace_path the parent directory where project to be wrapped is checked out
  • input_project the project to be wrapped
  • output_project the name of the project to be created as a wrapper


$ cd docker/images/builder

on the same level as quasar, there need to be fusion and shambhala prebuilt

Stellar-Fox ecosystem


Outside the repository structure, prepare the ecosystem etc subtree (data will be created on start):

$ tree -L 2 stellar-fox/test
├── data
└── etc
    ├── bridge.cfg
    ├── cygnus.js
    ├── deneb.json
    ├── federation.cfg
    └── stellar-core.cfg

Environmental variables

Point, where your data partition for stellar-fox will be:

echo "export STELLAR_HOME=$HOME/stellar-fox" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HOSTNAME=hostname"
echo "export DOMAIN=${HOSTNAME}.fully.gualified.domain.name"
echo "export FUSION_APP_DOMAIN=fusion-app.fully.gualified.domain.name"

or if diskspace limited:

echo "export STELLAR_HOME=/mnt/sdb1/`whoami`/stellar-fox" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export HOSTNAME=hostname"
echo "export DOMAIN=${HOSTNAME}.fully.gualified.domain.name"


Gulp is used as a task manager. Launch quasar:

# Clone repo
$ git clone https://github.com/stellar-fox/quasar.git
$ cd quasar
# Install dependencies
$ npm i
# Show the main tasks
$ gulp --tasks-simple
# Run
$ gulp quasar_first_run

Show the chain of subtasks:

# Show tasks as a tree
$ gulp -T


[05:08:14] └─┬ quasar_first_run
[05:08:14]   └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]     ├─┬ quasar_build
[05:08:14]     │ └─┬ <parallel>
[05:08:14]     │   ├── cygnus_build
[05:08:14]     │   └── deneb_build
[05:08:14]     ├─┬ quasar_init
[05:08:14]     │ └─┬ <parallel>
[05:08:14]     │   ├─┬ influx_init
[05:08:14]     │   │ └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── influxdb_config_show
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── influxdb_dir
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── influxdb_up
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── influxdb_init
[05:08:14]     │   │   └── influxdb_rm
[05:08:14]     │   ├─┬ core_init
[05:08:14]     │   │ └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── core_config_show
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── core_dir
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── core_db_up
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── core_db_init
[05:08:14]     │   │   └── core_db_rm
[05:08:14]     │   ├─┬ bridge_init
[05:08:14]     │   │ └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── bridge_config_show
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── bridge_dir
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── bridge_db_up
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── bridge_db_init
[05:08:14]     │   │   └── bridge_db_rm
[05:08:14]     │   ├─┬ horizon_init
[05:08:14]     │   │ └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── horizon_config_show
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── horizon_dir
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── horizon_db_up
[05:08:14]     │   │   ├── horizon_db_init
[05:08:14]     │   │   └── horizon_db_rm
[05:08:14]     │   ├── quasar_config_generate_logging_fluentd
[05:08:14]     │   ├── quasar_config_generate_policy_restart
[05:08:14]     │   └─┬ quasar_dir_prepare
[05:08:14]     │     └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]     │       └── quasar_dir_prepare
[05:08:14]     └─┬ quasar_up
[05:08:14]       └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14]         └── quasar_up

Check the status or do the cleanup the docker unit can be used:

[05:08:14] ├── docker_check
[05:08:14] ├── docker_containers_status_running
[05:08:14] ├── docker_containers_status_all
[05:08:14] ├── docker_containers_kill
[05:08:14] ├── docker_containers_remove
[05:08:14] ├── docker_images_remove_dangling
[05:08:14] ├── docker_images_remove_all
[05:08:14] ├── docker_volumes_remove_dangling
[05:08:14] ├── docker_network_prune
[05:08:14] ├── docker_mounts_status
[05:08:14] ├─┬ docker_clean
[05:08:14] │ └─┬ <series>
[05:08:14] │   ├── docker_check
[05:08:14] │   ├── docker_containers_kill
[05:08:14] │   ├── docker_containers_remove
[05:08:14] │   ├── docker_images_remove_dangling
[05:08:14] │   ├── docker_volumes_remove_dangling
[05:08:14] │   └── docker_network_prune

Note, that the cleanup does not remove the persistant data on purpose. You can find the persistant data in ${STELLAR_HOME}/${TARGET}/data.



At the moment the dashboard deployment is not automated yet.

Data sources


$ cd docker/compose
$ curl http://admin:admin@localhost:8081/api/datasources | jq . > ../etc/grafana/datasources/datasources.json

The dumped file represents the array of the datasources. Some manual work to split to single datasources needs to be done as one file is per datasource and [] removed.


$ curl -XPOST -i http://admin:admin@localhost:8081/api/datasources --data-binary @../etc/grafana/datasources/influx.json -H "Content-Type: application/json"


  • workspace (default: $HOME/stellar-fox)
  • target (default: test)

You will be able to access the frontend services as follows: