IREE Forge

This repository is a monorepo consisting of the various projects that interface to IREE and a) need to be built and released in a consistent fashion, and b) lack a release methodology of their own (that is usable by us).

The goal is to have a repo that can be patched to a releasable state at a regular cadence and then have everything branched as a unit.

There are two kinds of projects herein:

  • Core projects that we manage via git subtree directly into this repository.
  • Adjunct dependencies, mostly of IREE itself needed for one thing or another. These are managed as submodules as they are not shared with other things and rarely require project specific patching.

Core projects

  • trees/iree
  • trees/llvm-project
  • trees/mlir-hlo
  • trees/mlir-npcomp

We always sync shared dependencies to what IREE expects and then patch others as needed. In practice, some of these already come with consistent commit points, so the job is easier.

Check out and Build

# Clone repository.
git clone
cd iree-forge/
export PATH=$PWD/scripts:$PATH

# Initialize adjunct submodules.
git iree-init-submodules
git submodule update

Syncing to upstream.

From a clean repository, run:

git iree-sync-trees ALL

This will sync each tree and bring dependent trees to a consistent commit. It will result in multiple merges and commits to the iree-forge repository and must be done from a clean working directory.

This will sync to iree HEAD. To sync to something else:

git iree-sync-trees iree@snapshot-20210626.363 ALL

Note that if syncing far back or far forward, you may need to choose explicit commits for other trees that default to HEAD.