
Primary LanguageRuby


To run this application, remember to do the following (instructions given for Mac OS):

  • Install Redis: brew install redis

  • Run Redis server: /usr/local/bin/redis-server (in a separate terminal window)

  • Launch Sidekiq for async jobs in a separate terminal window: bundle exec sidekiq

  • Launch Faye service in a separate terminal window: rackup sync.ru -E production

  • Launch Crono service in a separate terminal window in your Rails project root directory: crono (or bundle exec crono)

  • In a separate terminal window start Rails server: rails s

Also, you have to have PostgresQL installed and running (use PostgresApp and PGAdmin apps). The database configuration is located in config/database.yml. Here is an example of the :development config lines for PostgresQL:

  <<: *default
  database: dc
  username: <your_user_name>
  password: <your_password>
  host: <%= ENV['IP'] %>

In case of SSL certificate problem during your authentication thru Facebook look for solution here: 'https://gist.github.com/fnichol/867550'.