
just some bytebeat bleeps and bloops

Primary LanguageC


Monorepo for various bytebeat experiments. To play a song with aplay, run make $(SONGNAME). To play a song with another playback method, compile the song by running make o/tiny/$(SONGNAME).com, or make MODE=$(MODE) o/$(MODE)/$(SONGNAME).com.


On Linux with ALSA, piping the audio to aplay should just work. On Windows and Mac, it's possible to play raw audio by piping to VLC.

Song Info


Seeded pseudo-random arpeggiation, pass in seed phrases or play with the default seed.

ones-and-zeroes.com | aplay
ones-and-zeroes.com | vlc --demux=rawaud --rawaud-channels=1 --rawaud-samplerate=8000
ones-and-zeroes.com 'Pass in seed phrases' 'Each phrase is played for 30 seconds' | aplay


A C and JavaScript polyglot bytebeat. Play by compiling in C, or running with Node, Deno or QuickJS.

headachegoldfish.com | aplay --rate=14080
headachegoldfish.com | vlc --demux=rawaud --rawaud-channels=1 --rawaud-samplerate=14080

node src/headachegoldfish.c | aplay -r 14080
deno run src/headachegoldfish.c | aplay -r 14080
qjs --std src/headachegoldfish.c | aplay -r 14080