See the thesis.pdf file in this repo for an overview of the generated document.
- Custom title page with logos and jury members;
- Custom chapter heading and chapter quote;
- Hyperlinkss (internal and external);
- Minitoc at the begining of chapters;
- Bibliography with biber:
- back reference to page number where the ref is quoted;
- references organized by chapter;
- a reference quoted in two chapters appears twice but with the same reference number
- A dedication environment
- texlive-fonts-extra
- texlive-latex-extra
- biber
- biblatex
- lineno.sty
- libertine.sty (?)
\documentclass[11pt, twoside, openright]{thesis}
%% All the following parameters are optional
% Link to all project .bib
%% Title page
\title{The Thesis full title}
\author{Estelle Scifo}
\university{Université Paris Sud}
\docschool{\'Ecole Doctorale PNC}
\lab{Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire}
\field{Physique des Particules}
\defensedate{11 juillet 2014}
\serienumber{LAL 14-169}
\njurymembers{5} % number of jury members
% Warning; you can not use \textsc or \textbf in the \addjurymember command...
\addjurymember{1}{M.}{Prénom Nom}{Directeur de thèse}
\addjurymember{2}{Mme.}{Prénom Nom}{Président du jury}
\addjurymember{3}{M.}{Prénom Nom}{Rapporteur}
\addjurymember{4}{Mme.}{Prénom Nom}{Rapporteur}
\addjurymember{5}{M.}{Prénom Nom}{Examinateur}
pdflatex thesis.tex
biber thesis
pdflatex thesis.tex