Stephan Ellenberger | Orion Reed | John Baxter | Kuba Jawor | James Oddy | George Swarbrick


Community Video 2020

This project was completed remotely.

We were given 7 days of feature building along with 1 day of cleaning up and then 1 day for presentations.

Our goal was to create a website that allowed creative people to post free tutorials on whatever they would like to share.

As a user you have the option to follow, like and even donate to that creator. You also have your own profile to share and upload your own videos should you wish. As well as have a home page that contains the latest videos relevant to you; the specific user.

This project was inspired by the CO-VID 19 outbreak where most of the world had to respect social distancing and have most of their lives occur in the online world.

Our Approach

We began by brain storming ideas on a Miro board before finally settling on the idea above. We want a combination of familiar technologies as well as new ones to keep our brain stimulating and our thirst for knowledge sated.

After deciding on the project we began planning out our approach with the use of Trello. We created user stories (see below) and organised priorites.

We were also sure to plan out breaks and time management was key.


First, clone this repository. Then:

$ bundle install
$ npm install
$ yarn install --check-files
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate

$ bundle exec rspec #to run the tests
$ rails s #start the server

User Stories

As a User,
So that i can join the website,
I would like to sign up/in and sign out
As a User,
So i can be part of the Community,
I would like to upload a video
As a User,
So people can find my video,
I would like to add tags to my video
As a User,
So i can show my appreciation of a video,
I would like to thumbs up and comment on a users video
As a User,
So that i can see what is availble on the website,
I would like to have access to a search bar
As a User,
So i can show off my videos,
I would like to have a profile page
As a User,
So i can show people what i look like,
I would like to upload a profile picture
As a User,
So i can show off even more appreciation,
I would like to be able to donate to a creator
As a user,
So that i can contact other users,
I would like to send and receive message
As a user,
So that i can keep track of people i enjoy,
I would like the option to follow them