
Primary LanguageKotlin


kngsild is a Kotlin library exposing NGSI-LD API endpoints usable from any JVM compatible code.

It is still in early development, so a lot of endpoints are not yet implemented. But new ones are added regularly, and you are of course welcome to raise a PR if you implement a new one.

Using the library

The library is published with Jitpack and available in https://jitpack.io/#io.egm/kngsild. Follow instructions on this page to add it in your project.

Working the library

When working locally, you can publish it in your local Maven repository by running the following command:

./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

It is then stored in ~/.m2/repository/io/egm/kngsild/<version>/kngsild-<version>.jar and can be used in your project in the same way as when it is published on Jitpack.

Publishing a new release

  • Merge the latest developments into master
  • Create a release and associate it with a new tag
  • After some seconds, it will be available on https://jitpack.io/#io.egm/kngsild