tail a log on a local or rsyslog server and set-up a daemon to run it
This does not cover instructions on how to create an incoming webhook or how to set up a mattermost server and the below instructions have been implemented on a CentOS 7 server w/ SELinux disabled and TCP/UDP 514 ports open for rsyslog to receive logs
first decide where to put the mattermost log tail script
I typically mkdir "sweet-scripts" in /usr/local/bin/
once you decide where to place the script then modify the logtail.sh for your variables chmod +x logtail.sh
then cp daemon config --> /etc/systemd/system then rename it accordingly
below we are calling it daemon.service (this will be whatever you want to call it)
systemctl start daemon.service
systemctl enable daemon.service
Alas you will have a working tail to your log to export the specified text to mattermost via webhook.