Stelo Example App

Getting started

  • git clone stelo-example
  • cd stelo-example
  • yarn (install dependencies)
  • open up stelo/uiv2/fetch.ts and make sure the API_KEY variable is assigned to the API key provided to you.
  • yarn dev(start server on port 5173)


  • Copy thestelo folder into the root of your project or if you're using a monorepo into the corresponding app directory.
  • Add the below to your tsconfig.json compilerOptions. (We're happy to help triage issues here)
    "baseUrl": "src", // If you already have a `baseUrl` set, the below `paths` need to be relative to that directory
    "paths": {
      "shared_types": ["../stelo/shared_types/index.ts"],
      "uiv2/*": ["../stelo/uiv2/*"],
      "utils": ["../stelo/utils/index.ts"],
      "utils/*": ["../stelo/utils/*"],

  • We expose a hook to quickly call our API from React. import { useEnrichRequest } from "uiv2/store";
  • The entry point to our AssetChangeSection is exposed from import { AssetChangeSection } from "uiv2/views/AssetChangeSection/AssetChangeSection";
  • Integration could be as simple as src/App.tsx
function App() {
  const { loading, data } = useEnrichRequest(exampleRequest);
  return (
      {loading && <div>Loading...</div>}
      {!loading && data && <AssetChangeSection response={data} />}