Start reading about gform [here] (
- declare your form with gform schema.
- supports nearly any model: lists, maps, nested objects, multi-typed objects. Supports recursive schemas to create tree models.
- ideal to map to class-based languages like Java, because it supports the concept of type properties.
- relations between resources (entities) is supported. A related resource can be opened in a dialog, a tab container or another custom opener.
- Customization of UI by assiging attributes to groups. These can be TabContainer, Accordions or multi-column container.
- Customization of attribute editor. For example a string property can be displayed as a textField, textarea, WYSIWYG editor or Ace sourcecode editor.
- gform-admin: A generic administration for mongoosejs and an alternative swagger ui.
- Kitchensink shows nearly all the features in a single form.
- Formbuilder is a form to interactively design a form. Can be used as a basis for creating tools or simply to checkout gform features online.
git clone gform
install dependencies parallel to this project:
bower install
Tests run in the browser. You need an http server running serving dojo-generate-form at /gform.
All tests:
Example for single test:
Example for test that does require a browser: