MVA (multivariant analysis) shiny app
This is an shiny app for doing a multivariant analysis of your data. The app is mainly based on the FactoMineR package (
- PCA (Principle component analysis)
- HCPC (hierachical clustering on principle component)
- Clustering
R packages used and should be installed
- shiny
- shinyBS
- shinyjs
- colourpicker
- dplyr
- ggplot2
- gridExtra
- metricsgraphics
- RColorBrewer
- scales
- ggrepel
- data.table
- FactoMineR
- factoextra
- plotly
- ggcorrplot
- dendextend
- DT
- knitr
- markdown
- bit64
Screenshot/movie of the app
Feel free to try the app.