
Convert Docker Hub webhooks into Slack messages

Primary LanguageRuby

Docker Hub build notifications for Slack

A tiny Sinatra app that receives webhooks from Docker Hub and re-posts them as Slack formatted hooks.

There is a running version of this code on Heroku that you are welcome to use...


Here's how to get setup...

  1. Generate an incoming webhook in the Slack integration settings e.g. https://hooks.slack.com/services/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
  2. Switch the domain from hooks.slack.com to slack-docker-hub-integration.herokuapp.com
  3. Create a new webhook on Docker Hub with pointing to this url. e.g. https://slack-docker-hub-integration.herokuapp.com/services/T024XLT1F/B031BS1D0/C4YkI21H6jPQ59PHLQLD3S21

Alternatively you could host the code yourself.