
Upgrade legacy csproj (pre-2017) projects to VS2017 format

Primary LanguageC#

CsProj to VS 2017 CsProj

This project is designed to convert legacy C# projects (basic class libaries) to the new leaner VS2017 supported .csproj types.

To build exe for windows, run




run.cmd [-g|--generate | -u|--upgraderef] [-s|--source] "solutionfile1.sln" "solutionfile2.sln" "projectfile.csproj" [sln3,sln4,...]

Or actual exe that is built

src\CsProjToVs2017Upgrader\bin\Release\publishoutput\CsProjToVs2017Upgrader.exe [-g|--generate | -u|--upgraderef] "solutionfile1.sln" "solutionfile2.sln" "projectfile.csproj" [sln3,sln4,...]

Just specifying the solution or project files will just analyze solution projects to determine binary/project/nuget references. Currently outputs to folder(s) in %TEMP% dir.

There are two approaches:

  1. -u|--upgraderef Upgrade just the nuget references that are referenced as binary dlls using <Reference> element in .csproj, and convert them to <PackageReference> elements in csproj, and remove packages.config, This is least destructive, and should work fine on class library projects and projects referencing them. see (MSBuild PackageReference post)http://blog.nuget.org/20170316/NuGet-now-fully-integrated-into-MSBuild.html?utm_content=buffera4d96&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer for more information.

  2. -g|--generate Generate completely new csproj files for .NETStandard approach. This will require more work. see http://www.natemcmaster.com/blog/2017/03/09/vs2015-to-vs2017-upgrade/

  3. -s|--source WARNING: Overwrite source .csproj and packages.config files, this directly modifies original .csproj files. backup, or use source control before running with this switch.