- 1
Package Update
#155 opened by bialeckim5 - 7
- 1
Release v2 in this repo
#126 opened by tricki - 1
- 5
Readme & Wiki incorrect
#154 opened by safaalai - 1
- 9
Immutable prop warning for various components
#124 opened by brettchalupa - 5
App with stencil-router doesn't compile in Stencil 2.14+ because of TypeScript 4.5
#131 opened by cmaas - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
[v2] Handle links clicks without calling href()
#125 opened by theo-staizen - 0
#128 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
#129 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
#127 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
#130 opened by rwaskiewicz - 0
- 2
Routing to same page with dynamic params
#120 opened by upstroke - 8
import '@stencil/router';
#96 opened by stefanhuber - 0
Incorrect match when multiple urlMatch attributes are defined as regular expressions
#117 opened by ltm - 3
- 4
- 10
this.history is undefined with injectHistory
#79 opened by sshrshnv - 3
Route change event
#75 opened by matteobortolazzo - 2
Component realoading when changing uri
#98 opened by stefanhuber - 2
- 0
Route transitons
#114 opened by ladvoc - 0
stencil-router fail to handle absolute root url
#112 opened by ptrot001 - 0
Active route's `display` style set to `none` until all children are rendered
#110 opened by harrysolovay - 0
- 1
Hash change event not firing
#106 opened by Flowrome - 1
Wiki: Change in stencil-route-title prop
#103 opened by JayaKrishnaNamburu - 0
[Request] Router decorator
#108 opened by chiqui3d - 0
- 0
- 3
Expose history as prop on stencil-router
#99 opened by MrAntix - 1
- 1
- 4
- 0
- 0
nested stencil-route-switches don't get updated
#88 opened by val-o - 1
- 0
#87 opened by bitflower - 0
- 1
exact flag not working with protected routes
#82 opened by matchatype - 1
Hash historyType routing broken on ES5 builds
#78 opened by mariofriz - 1
Feature Request: pageTitle Prefix and Suffix
#76 opened by ladvoc - 4
Apache configuration for resolving route
#74 opened by apiaget - 0
- 0
SSR broken when using router
#71 opened by andrewtennison