Compute sessions for executable documents: fast-to-start, isolated, reproducible. Pick any three.
⚠️ Well, that's the aim ;) Sparkla is currently in early development. It started as an experiment in using Amazon's Firecracker as a more secure (but just as fast-to-start) alternative to Docker containers. It is intended to supersedestencila/cloud
npm install -g @stencila/sparkla
Sparkla creates sessions in either Firecracker microVMs or Docker containers. So you'll need at least one of these installed.
Firecracker is only available on Linux. Download the latest Firecracker binary from
curl -L -o firecracker
chmod +x firecracker
Firecracker is built on top of KVM and needs read/write access to /dev/kvm
. Log in to the host in one terminal and set up that access:
sudo setfacl -m u:${USER}:rw /dev/kvm
If you want to use Docker-based sessions then you'll need to have docker
Run Sparkla using the command line interface e.g.
sparkla serve --port 9001 --cpuTotal 1
Name | Description | Type | Default |
debug | Output debug level log entries? | boolean | false |
host | The host address that the server should listen on. | string | "" |
port | The port that the server should listen on. | number | 9000 |
jwtSecret | The JWT secret to use to sign and verify JWT tokens. If null then a random secret will be generated. |
string, null | null |
sessionType | The class of sessions created. | "firecracker", "docker" | "docker" |
cpuTotal | The total number of CPUs that can be allocated to sessions. null = use the number of CPUs on the machine. |
number, null | null |
memoryTotal | The total number amount of memory (Gib) that can be allocated to sessions. null = use the total amount of memory on the machine. |
number, null | null |
expiryInterval | Interval in seconds between checks for expired sessions. | number | 15 |
durationWarning | Number of seconds to provide clients with a warning prior to reaching maximum session duration. | number | 600 |
timeoutWarning | Number of seconds to provide clients with a warning prior to a reaching session timeout. | number | 60 |
staleInterval | Interval in seconds between checks for stale sessions. | number | 60 |
stalePeriod | Number of seconds that a stopped session is considered stale and will be removed from the list of sessions. | number | 3600 |
statsInterval | Interval in seconds for collecting system statistics | number | 60 |
statsPrometheus | The port to serve Prometheus compatible metrics on. Set to 0 to turn off Prometheus exporting. |
number | 9464 |
logsSentry | The Sentry DSN (Data Source Name) to record warning and error log entries. Set to null to not send logs to Sentry. |
string | "" |
peerSwarm | The name of the peer swarm to join. | string, null | "sparkla" |
All options can be set, in decending order of priority, by:
- a command line argument e.g.
--port 80
- an environment variable prefixed with
- a
configuration file, set using the--config
option, or.sparklarc
by default
npm run serve:dev
To check for running FirecrackerSession
ps aux | firecracker
You can also check the logs and metrics of a Firecracker VM while it is running:
cat /tmp/vm-0d0b4b2fa73c5d4c10ed72ccac97b798530ba1b7ab8461fd313d320fb5d3562e/log.fifo
cat /tmp/vm-0d0b4b2fa73c5d4c10ed72ccac97b798530ba1b7ab8461fd313d320fb5d3562e/metrics.fifo
To check for running DockerSession
docker ps