
Go version of the cli.

Primary LanguageGo


Go version of the Iron.io command line tools.


Quick and Easy (Recommended)

curl -sSL http://get.iron.io/cli | sh

Download Yourself

Grab the latest version for your system on the Releases page.

You can either run the binary directly or add somewhere in your $PATH.

Coming soon...

Homebrew/deb/msi installer coming...

Before Getting Started

Before you can use IronWorker, be sure you've created a free account with Iron.io and setup your Iron.io credentials on your system (either in a json file or using ENV variables). You only need to do that once for your machine. If you've done that, then you can continue.

See the official docs for more detailed info on using Docker for IronWorker.


iron worker --help for list of commands, flags iron worker COMMAND --help for command specific help

Currently supported commands

WARNING: still in progress (only upload problematic), if running into issues: use github.com/iron-io/iron_worker_ruby_ng

Queue a task:

iron worker queue CODENAME

Wait for queued task and print log:

iron worker queue --wait CODENAME

Status of task:

iron worker status TASK_ID

Hint: Acquire TASK_ID from a previously queued task.

Log task:

iron worker log TASK_ID

Hint: Acquire TASK_ID from a previously queued task.

Schedule task:

iron worker schedule --payload=" " --start-at="Mon Dec 25 15:04:05 -0700 2014" CODENAME

WARNING: not working without a -payload for reasons yet to be hunted down

Upload a worker:

iron worker upload [--zip hello.zip] --name NAME DOCKER_IMAGE [COMMAND]

For eg:

iron worker upload --zip myworker.zip --name myworker iron/images:ruby-2.1 ruby hello.rb

For custom images (if you have this enabled on your account):

iron worker upload --zip myworker.zip --name myworker google/ruby ruby hello.rb


List the queues in a project

iron mq list

Create a new queue

iron mq create QUEUE_NAME

Delete an existing queue

iron mq rm QUEUE_NAME

Display a queue's details

iron mq info QUEUE_NAME

Clear all message on a queue

iron mq clear QUEUE_NAME

Push a message to a queue

iron mq push [-f file] QUEUE_NAME "MESSAGE"

You can provide a json file with a set of messages to be pushed onto the queue. The format is as follows:

  "messages": ["msg1", "msg2",...]

Peek n message from a queue

iron mq peek [-n n] QUEUE_NAME

Pop (get and delete) a set of messages from the queue

iron mq pop [-o output_file] [-n n] QUEUE_NAME

Reserve a set of messages from a queue

iron mq reserve [-o output_file] [-n n] [-t timeout] QUEUE_NAME

Delete a set of reserved message

iron mq delete [-f file] QUEUE_NAME "MESSAGE_ID" "MESSAGE_ID2"...

For private images you should use iron worker docker-login --repo-username USERNAME --repo-pass PASS --repo-email EMAIL Or iron worker docker-login --repo-auth AUTH --repo-email EMAIL


Give us a pull request!

Updated dependencies:

Until the go team standardizes on a vendoring tool, we're using something analogous to their proposed plan for 1.5, to update a dependency, see:
