
An auto compounding bot for the iron.finance private vaults

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Iron.finance Vault Compounder

Calls the compound function of private vaults generated by iron.finance

If you find this bot useful, I would appreciate if you starred this repository :)


  • Install nodejs
  • Download the files
  • Open a command prompt/terminal window in the directory and run npm i


Generating and filling out the config file

  • Open a command prompt/terminal window in the same directory and run node index.js to generate the config file
  • Fill out the "farms" section with the smart contract addresses of your farms, this should follow javascript syntax and addresses should be in double-quotes.
  • Change the gas limit, gas price, and RPC URL if you wish
  • The bot uses cron style scheduling to schedule compounding, cron style syntax generators can be found online. The default is set to run at mightnight every day.

Generating a bot wallet and configuring farms

  • Run node index.js again to generate a wallet for the bot to use, copy the wallet address of the newly generated wallet
  • Navigate to the smart contract of your vault on polygonscan.com and click e contract tab
  • Click "Write Contract" and connect the wallet of the OWNER of the farm
  • Scroll down to "setHarvestor" and paste the previously copied address of the bot
  • Click "Write" and confirm the transaction

You are done! Run the bot with node index.js