
A Simple build server for (C) Programs

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


CForge is a simple build server and artifact repository for C programs written in ISO C99. It registers, builds, and stores artifacts for C programs tracked in Git repositories. CForge can periodically fetch new commits, build them, and display the status of builds on a web page.


  • Register and Build C Programs: Supports multiple independent C programs. Detects and reports build failures.
  • Artifact Repository: Stores build artifacts tied to specific commits.
  • Periodic Builds: Automatically fetches new commits periodically and builds them.
  • Web Page: Displays the status of current and previous builds. Project Listing Project Details


  • A "C program" consists of .c and .h files and a Makefile with canonical all and clean targets.
  • The C program only depends on the C standard library and builds into a single executable.
  • The C program is tracked in a Git repository.


CForge uses Kubernetes to manage build jobs, artifact storage, and web services.

Kubernetes Architecture


  1. Build Jobs

    • Kubernetes Jobs handle the building of C programs.
    • Build jobs run in a pod using a Debian container with the build-essential package.
  2. Artifact Repository

    • Artifacts are stored as tarballs in a Kubernetes volume mount.
    • Tarball names include the project name and commit SHA.
    • Build logs are stored along side the tarballs.
  3. Config File Watcher

    • A Kubernetes service watches a configuration file for changes and creates build jobs.
    • Also serves a basic HTTP page displaying build statuses.
      • Displays the current and previous builds for projects.
      • Shows the status of builds (completed, failed).
      • Provides links to logs for builds.
  4. Periodic Builds

    • Kubernetes CronJobs fetch new commits periodically and trigger builds.

Getting Started


  • Kubernetes cluster that supports persistent volumes
  • Docker
  • Git


  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone https://github.com/stenius/cforge
    cd cforge
  2. Build Docker Image

    Build and publish the Docker images for the build job and the server/operator:

  3. Deploy to Kubernetes

    Apply the Kubernetes manifests to deploy CForge:

    kubectl apply -f k8s/
  4. Update Configuration File

    Create and apply a 'CForge' custom resource with your project details.

    apiVersion: cforge.steni.us/v1
    kind: CForge
      name: cforge
      namespace: cforge
      - name: helloworld
        repo_url: https://github.com/laristra/c-makefile.git
      - name: job2
        repo_url: https://github.com/laristra/c-makefile.git

Using CForge

  1. Register a C Program

    Add the Git URL of the C program to the config.yaml file.

    - name: hello
      url: https://github.com/user/hello.git

    The config file watcher will detect the change and create a build job.

  2. View Build Status

    Access the web page served by the config file watcher to view the status of builds:


    The page displays the current and previous builds for the registered C programs and provides links to failure logs for failed builds.


Contributions are NOT welcome! This is a toy project. Please fork the repository.


This project is licensed under the BSD License. See the LICENSE file for details.


CForge uses the following open-source projects: