A Node.js client for doing requests to yggdrasil, the Mojang authentication system, used for Minecraft and Scrolls.
$ npm install yggdrasil
const ygg = require('yggdrasil')({
//Optional settings object
host: 'https://authserver.mojang.com' //Optional custom host. No trailing slash.
//Authenticate a user
token: '', //Optional. Client token.
agent: '', //Agent name. Defaults to 'Minecraft'
version: 1, //Agent version. Defaults to 1
user: '', //Username
pass: '' //Password
}, function(err, data){});
//Refresh an accessToken
ygg.refresh(oldtoken, clienttoken, function(err, newtoken, response body){});
//Validate an accessToken
ygg.validate(token, function(err){});
//Invalidate all accessTokens
ygg.signout(username, password, function(err));
const yggserver = require('yggdrasil').server({
//Optional settings object
host: 'https://authserver.mojang.com' //Optional custom host. No trailing slash.
//Join a server (clientside)
yggserver.join(token, profile, serverid, sharedsecret, serverkey, function(err, response body){});
//Join a server (serverside)
yggserver.hasJoined(username, serverid, sharedsecret, serverkey, function(err, client info){});
const ProxyAgent = require('proxy-agent');
const ygg = require('yggdrasil')({
//Any type of HTTP Agent
agent: new ProxyAgent('https://example.com:8080')
* Import Client or Server from 'yggdrasil/es6'.
* Note that the library is stateless when imported this way vs the CommonJS way.
import { Client as ygg, Server as yggServ } from 'yggdrasil/es6'
// Use it like you normally would.
ygg.validate(token, function(err){})
yggServ.join(token, profile, serverid, sharedsecret, serverkey, function(err, response body){});
- Authentication protocol documentation
- node-minecraft-protocol, a Minecraft client and server in Node.js