
Wrapper for thePlatform for Media's API

Primary LanguageRuby


Build Status


Tpdata gem is a wrapper for the RESTful interface for thePlatform for Media's Data Services.


HTTParty ~> 0.9.0


gem install tpdata


To add Tpdata gem:

require 'theplatform'


Both endpoints (::Data and ::Identity) support the #configure methods to build instance variables on a per object basis.

ThePlatform::Data.configure do |config|
  config.schema = '1.4.0'
  config.form   = 'cjson'
  config.token  = 'rDGZTYyxjGqjfEXNsphawfAqIdfdDDff'
=> {:schema=>"1.4.0", :form=>"cjson", :token=>"rDGZTYyxjGqjfEXNsphawfAqIdfdDDff"}

If the #configurate method is used, it does not have to be added in the request.

To list the available params to configure:

=> {:schema=>nil, :form=>nil, :username=>nil, :password=>nil, :_duration=>nil, :_idleTimeout=>nil}

The boolean methods #parameters? is also available to query if all params are set:

=> true


To request a token response body:

ThePlatform::Identity.signin_response(username:'your_username', password:'your_password',schema:'1.0',form:'json')
=> {"signInResponse"=>

Note that you can also set _duration and _idleTimeout as well. Visit http://help.theplatform.com for more information.

Alternatively, you can simply call the .token() method to get a token strin back:

ThePlatform::Identity.token(username:'your_username', password:'your_password')

Using the #token method instead of the #signin_response method will return ONLY the new token.

Data Services

For a list of services, query with:


to return an Array of the available services to query. An online list of endpoints and valid objects are available at http://help.theplatform.com.

In this example, we're going to build a query for the Media Data Service (MDS):

media = ThePlatform::Data.mds
 => @endpoint="http://data.media.theplatform.com/media/data/",

The return value for any Service Object is its endpoint and the available objects. To build the query for a GET:

media.get('Category','12744085', schema:'1.4.0',form:'json',token:'12uZynnc2zHvVNDokvgG0TC9UBD7EPDm')

Needed parameters are the Objects, Object ID(s), Schema, Form, and the Token (which can be built through the ThePlatform::Identity)

To request all objects, pass 'all' to the id param. To return multiple objects, pass a String with comma separated IDs.


media.post('Media', '{"title":"First POST using the RUBYds","ownerId":"http://access.auth.theplatform.com/data/Account/123456789"}',schema:'1.4.0',form:'cjson',token:'Nez8Y9ScVDxPxLDmUsg_ESCDYJCJwPBk',account:'My_Account')

Note that this is a JSON POST body, but is entered as a String object with a JSON body.

The same holds true for PUT values as well, media.put


media.delete('Media','27550715', schema:'1.4.0',form:'cjson',token:'Nez8Y9ScVDxPxLDmUsg_ESCDYJCJwPBk',account:'My_Account')

Needed params here are the Object, Object ID(s), schema, form, token, and account. To specify no ID, pass 'none' as the parameter.


The Notify endpoint is supported as well.

media.notify(size:'10', since:'11111111')


This Gem is not a product of thePlatform for Media.

Fork it. Fix it. Push it. Pull it.