
This repository houses our ongoing collaboration on the ft_transcendence project, the final project of the Common Core curriculum at 42School.


The ft_transcendence project is a multiplayer online gaming platform inspired by the classic game Pong. Our goal is to build a fully functional and visually appealing web app that allows users to engage in thrilling Pong matches with a twist. The project is divided into different components.


The frontend of our web app is my main focus, and it is developed using the Svelte framework. It's responsible for providing a seamless user interface and an immersive gaming experience. We are dedicated to designing an intuitive frontend that aligns with our Kill Bill-themed aesthetic. Users will have the opportunity to choose avatars inspired by iconic characters from Quentin Tarantino's movies, and they will receive achievements based on the remarkable feats of the protagonist, "The Bride".

Backend and Database

The backend of our web app is being developed by @mcipolla, a talented contributor to this project, as well as other remarkable projects on my Github page. Using the NestJS framework, mcipolla is building the server-side logic that enables communication between the frontend and the database. The backend will handle matchmaking, real-time game updates, and player interactions, ensuring a smooth and enjoyable gaming experience.

We are utilizing a PostgreSQL database to store user information, game data, and achievements. The database will play a vital role in maintaining the integrity and persistence of our web app.