🔐 Token Authentication in DRF

♨️API Docs:

Go-to swagger docs

[][][][][]     [][][][]     [][][][]
[]        []   []     []    []
[]        []   []  [] []    [][][][]
[]        []   []    []     []
[][][][][]     []     []    []

⚒️ Tools:

  • DRF
  • Makefile
  • Python pipenv

⚙️ Setup

  • clone repo
git clone <link to repo>
  • Go into the folder
cd :\\path\\to\\cloned_repo
  • install pipenv
pip install pipenv
  • activate pipenv
make shell
  • install dependencies
make install
  • Create a copy of .env.example and rename to .env then fill in the values

  • Run Migrations with: make makemigrations make migrate

🏃 To run app:

make up

accessible through:
  • Create admin user with:

whilst in project directory

make py-shell


>>> from authme.models import CustomUser

>>> CustomUser.objects.create_user(email="youremail@example.com",username="johnDoe707", password="strongpassword")
  • To run est: make test