
Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Cards for Laravel Nova

Latest Version on Packagist Total Downloads License

screenshot of cards screenshot of cards

List of Cards

  • BlockchainExchangeCard
  • CacheCard
  • CountdownCard
  • EmbedCard
  • EnvironmentCard
  • HtmlCard
  • LinkableCard
  • PercentageCard
  • ScheduledJobsCard
  • SslCard
  • SystemResourcesCard
  • VersionsCard
  • WorldClockCard
  • WeatherCard
  • CalendarCard
  • NovaReleaseCard
  • GreetingCard


  • php: >=8.0
  • laravel/nova: ^4.0


# Install the package
composer require stepanenko3/nova-cards

Register the cards with Nova in the cards() method of the your Dashboards class:

// in app/Nova/Dashborads/Cards.php

use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\GreetingCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\BlockchainExchangeCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\CacheCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\CountdownCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\EmbedCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\EnvironmentCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\HtmlCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\LinkableCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\PercentageCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\ScheduledJobsCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\SslCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\SystemResourcesCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\VersionsCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\WorldClockCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\WeatherCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\CalendarCard;
use Stepanenko3\NovaCards\Cards\NovaReleaseCard;

public function cards()
    $user = auth()->user();

    return [
                name: $user->name,
                title: 'Admin',
                text: 'Welcome back,',
                name: 'Profile',
                target: '/nova/resources/users/' . $user->id,
                name: 'Users',
                target: '/nova/resources/users',
                url: $user->avatar
                    ? storage_url($user->avatar, 'public')
                    :  'https://ui-avatars.com/api/?size=300&color=7F9CF5&background=EBF4FF&name=' . $user->name

        (new WeatherCard)
            ->pollingTime(60000) // Optional
            ->startPolling(), // Optional. Auto start polling

        (new CalendarCard),

        (new LinkableCard)
            ->title('Docs') // Required
            ->subtitle('subtitle') // Optional
            ->url('/') // Required
            ->target('_blank'), // Default: _self

        (new CacheCard),

        (new SystemResourcesCard),

        (new VersionsCard),

        (new ScheduledJobsCard)
            ->startPolling() // Optional. Auto start polling

        (new BlockchainExchangeCard)

        (new NovaReleaseCard),

        (new EnvironmentCard),

        (new SslCard)
            ->domain('test.com'), // Required

        (new SslCard)
            ->domain('laravel.com'), // Required

        (new HtmlCard)
            ->html('<h1>Hello World!</h1>'), // Required

        (new HtmlCard)
            ->markdown('# Hello World!'), // Required

        (new HtmlCard)
            ->view('cards.hello', ['name' => 'World']), // Required

        (new PercentageCard)
            ->name('Demo percents') // Optional
            ->label('$') // Optional
            ->count(33) // Required
            ->total(1000) // Required
            ->percentagePrecision(2), // Default: 2

        (new CountdownCard)
            ->to(now()->addDays(30)) // Required
            ->title('30 Days Later') // Optional
            ->label('30 Days Later'), // Optional

        (new WorldClockCard())
            ->timezones([ // Required
            ->title(__('World Clock')), // Optional

        // A most simple embed
        (new EmbedCard)
            ->url('https://www.youtube.com/embed/WhWc3b3KhnY'), // Required

        // A more complex embed of raw <iframe>...</iframe> HTML
        (new EmbedCard)
            ->withoutPadding() // Optional remove padding in card
            ->url('https://www.youtube.com/embed/WhWc3b3KhnY'), // Required


Open your Dashboard in your Nova app to see the cards.


screenshot of cards screenshot of cards screenshot of cards



Thank you for considering contributing to this package! Please create a pull request with your contributions with detailed explanation of the changes you are proposing.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.