
[DEPRECATED]Badass MVVM architecture.

Primary LanguageKotlin


codebeat badge Build Status

Badass MVVM architecture.

At the moment Archetype contains implementation of Android Dev podcast player.

Official Telegram chat https://t.me/archetype_android

Mobius Russia 2017 Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3fTMBfmBqU&t=1380s

Main libraries and concepts


Project uses Gradle as build system. You can find main gradle config for Android app module here: app/build.gradle

Code organisation rules:


  • All or no arguments should be named when pass to function, partial naming is not allowed


  • Order of declarations inside class or file: val, var, constructor, init, fun, private fun


  • All general function's annotated with @BindingAdapter should be stored in *.databindings package, filename should be 'ViewName'Bindings.kt.
  • @BindingAdapter functions that couldn't be reused should be stored in file that contains related VM or should be grouped in separate file named 'Feature'Bindings.kt
  • All all bindings in xml should start with bind: prefix
  • All ViewModels in XML should be named vm


  • All lib and gradle plugin versions should be stored in root build.gradle file.


  • Subscribing to observable allowed only with subscribeBy or bindSubscribe extension methods.