
Primary LanguageGo

Kubernetes Resource Validator


Kubernetes Resource Validator hereinafter krv is tool for checking state of kubernetes resources based on validation CRD.


  • all checks are created as CRD manifests - validations \ validation
  • internal state of all components is writen into validation custom resource
  • validations can be listed via kubectl with resource api shortcode (sc instead of storage-class)
  • validations are deployed into same namespace as krv application
  • validations must be easily added and removed

Example of kubectl output

kubectl get validations --all-namespaces
pod-check     kube-system         pod         core-dns*.      MISSING   35d
sc-check                          sc          nfs-ganesha-sc  OK         4d
nfs-sc        nfs-test            pvc         nfs-test        NOK        5h
test-deploy   test-app            deployment  net-checker     OK         6h
  • validations can be applied to any kubernetes resources
  • validation is free-form definition with posibility of regexp

Example 1 of validation definition part

    resource: persistent-storage-class
    name: nfs-test
    namespace: nfs-test
    - jsonPath: "status.phase"
      value: "Bound"

Example 2 of validation definition part

    resource: deployment
    name: "test-deploy-[0-9]*"
    namespace: test-app
    - jsonPath: "spec.replicas"
      value: "3"
    - jsonPath: "status.availableReplicas"
      value: "3"

Application itself provides read-only API for state of validations in the form of json payload (same as kubectl get validations -ojson) for REST only access.

Happy day scenario


  • validation CRD is deployed into cluster
  • krv is deployed into krv-system namespace
  • krv starts and checks existence of validation CRD
  • krv loads validations from krv-system namespace
  • krv watches validations resources


  • in case of existing validated resource check is performed against validation part of definition and set to OK / NOK state
  • in case of non-existing resource validation state is set to MISSING state
  • in all cases last check / check change time is updated
  • in case of state change additional event is writen to krv-system namespace

Parts of delivery

  • validation CRD
  • krv application
  • RBAC model for krv application
  • service for krv API
  • Helm Chart package

Examples from kubernetes-client library