User interfaces can be expressed by two things:
- The state of the UI
- Actions that can change that state
And we can connect this two points with Finite-state machine. This simple micro framework use State as main part of web page.
Install finite using your package manager
$ npm install @stepanvanzuriak/finite
And just use!
import Finite, { State, h } from "@stepanvanzuriak/finite";
const JustText = State({
view: () => h`<p>Hello!</p>`
Finite.Render(JustText, document.body);
const Counter = Finite.State({
name: "counter",
transitions: [
Finite.T("INCREMENT", "counter"),
Finite.T("DECREMENT", "counter")
memory: { count: 0 },
increment: (_, { count }) =>
Finite.Transition("INCREMENT", { count: count + 1 }),
decrement: (_, { count }) =>
Finite.Transition("INCREMENT", { count: count - 1 }),
view: ({ count, increment, decrement }) =>
h`<div class="app">
<button onclick=${decrement}>-1</button>
<button onclick=${increment}>+1</button>
Finite.Render(Counter, document.body);
const A = Finite.State({
name: "A",
memory: {
text: "Text A"
transitions: [Finite.T("MOVE_TO_B", "B")],
onClick: e => Finite.Transition("MOVE_TO_B"),
view: ({ text, onClick }) =>
h`<div class="app">
<div>${text}</div><button onclick=${onClick}>To B</button>
const B = Finite.State({
name: "B",
memory: {
text: "Text B"
transitions: [Finite.T("MOVE_TO_A", "A")],
onClick: e => Finite.Transition("MOVE_TO_A", { text: "New Text A" }),
view: ({ text, onClick }) =>
h`<div class="app">
<div>${text}</div><button onclick=${onClick}>To A</button>
Finite.Render(A, document.body);
- Write own html template (instead of lit-html) to reduce bundle size. See picohtml
- Create Finite.State version as ES6 class
- Rethink AsyncTransition (Promise rejection)
- Move examples to CodeSandbox
- Better tests
}: IStateType)
You can use rest
for own methods like onChange, onClick
name : String,
[payload] : Object
Change current state to another, name
is name from state transitions and payload
is extra data to send
name : String,
[payload] : Object
Instead of normal Transition
you can set data in payload as Promise
and Finite
will change state only when data become fetched.
See async.js
in example
state: State,
point: HTMLElement
Set render point and init state for app
name: String,
to: String
) -> {name, to}
interface ITransition {
name: string;
to: string;
interface IStateType {
view: (...args) => any;
name: string;
memory: object;
transitions: ITransition[];
rest: object;
If you want to contribute to this project, please see our Contributing Guide !