
A fast and minimalist template engine for Node.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Garnet is a fast and minimalist template engine for Node.


$ npm install garnet


  • Compatible with Express
  • Performant due to precompilation and caching
  • Evaluate JavaScript (e.g., for conditionals and loops): <% code %>
  • Evaluate and embed (with sanitization): <%= code %>
  • Evaluate and embed (without sanitization): <%- code %>
  • Render a template from within a template: <%- render(path, locals) %>


Compiling and rendering

To compile a template (or fetch an already-compiled template from cache):

var template = garnet.compile(path);

To render a template:

var output = template(locals);

To render a template from within another template (and compile it if necessary):

<%- render(path, locals) %>

Default template directory

By default, Garnet looks in ./views for unqualified template names. If you want to change the default path to ./templates, for example, use:

garnet.templateDir = path.join(process.cwd(), 'templates');

Default template extension

If you refer to a view without a file extension, Garnet assumes .garnet by default. You can change this like so:

garnet.templateExt = '.html';


By default, Garnet will only load and compile a template once. If you want Garnet to reload and recompile templates whenever they are rendered, you can do so with:

garnet.enableCaching = false;

This is useful for development (you don't need to restart the server for every change), but you should leave caching enabled in production.


Using Garnet with Express

To render a view with Express:

app.get('/', function(req, res) {

If you want to omit the .garnet extension from the line above, you can tell Express to assume it:

app.set('view engine', 'garnet');

If you want to use a different file extension (e.g., .html) for views, use this:

app.set('view engine', 'html');       // Tell Express to assume this extension
app.engine('html', garnet.__express); // Tell Express to use Garnet for this extension
garnet.templateExt = '.html';         // Tell Garnet to assume this extension


You can pass data to a view using the locals argument.

For example, in app.js:

res.render('user.garnet', { name: 'Stephan Boyer' });

In views/user.garnet:

Name: <%= locals.name %>


<% if (user) { %>
  Name: <%= user.name %>
<% } %>


<% users.forEach(function(user) { %>
  Name: <%= user.name %>
<% } %>


We simply pass the name of the view to the layout as a local:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Layout Demo</title>
    <%- render(locals.view, locals) %>

In Express, you might render a view with this layout as follows:

app.get('/', function(req, res) {
  res.render('layout.garnet', { view: 'index.garnet' });