
A dotfiles repo. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Primary LanguageShell


Unless this repository has unexpectedly gone viral overnight, you probably asked me for my configuration during pair programming. Please cherrypick anything you need!

A little bit of context: I went from over-customization to a more light-weight approach. Wherever possible, all dotfiles use default settings and builtins instead of frameworks and plugins.


Beware: No smart simlink management. I use these scripts to quickly bootstrap my dev setup running on macOS. Setup should be executed in the order below

├── macos/setup.sh         # Sets macOS defaults, installs CLIs and apps from Brewfile
├── home/setup.sh          # Simlinks dotfiles to $HOME
├── starship/setup.sh      # Simlinks starship.toml to $HOME/.config/starship.toml
└── sublimetext/setup.sh   # Simlinks Sublime Text 4 settings


  • Cursor / VSCode setup


  • Show me in our next pair programming session :)