
Solidity contract verification service

Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


A contract verification service. Runs as an HTTP server and allows making verification requests through REST API. It is stateless and answers requests based on provided information only.

Building from source

Install rustup from rustup.rs.

git clone git@github.com:blockscout/blockscout-rs.git

cd blockscout-rs

cargo build --all --release

You can find the built binary in target/release folder.

Installing through cargo

Another way to install the binary without cloning the repository is to use cargo straightway:

cargo install --git https://github.com/blockscout/blockscout-rs --bin verification

In that case, you can run the binary using just verification.


Service uses a configuration file the path to which is specified via CLI flag --config-path=[path]. The configuration file may contain the following options:

# IP address and port number the server should listen to
addr = ""

# when disabled, solidity related handlers are not available
enabled = true
# list of all available compilers and information about them
compilers_list_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/blockscout/solc-bin/main/list.json"

# when disabled, sourcify related handlers are not available 
enabled = true
# Sourcify API endpoint
api_url = "https://sourcify.dev/server/"
# number of failing attempts the server makes to Sourcify API 
verification_attempts = 3
# the maximum period (in seconds) the service is waiting for the Sourcify response
request_timeout = 10

For all keys omitted from the configuration file default values from the example above are used.


Service supports 3 types of verification:

Multi-Part files




  // Creation transaction input
  "creation_bytecode": "0x608060...0033000b0c",
  // Bytecode stored in the blockchain
  "deployed_bytecode": "0x608060...0033",
  // Compiler version used to compile the contract
  "compiler_version": "v0.8.14+commit.80d49f37",
  // Contains a map from a source file name to the actual source code
  "sources": {
    "A.sol": "pragma solidity ^0.8.14; contract A {}",
    "B.sol": "pragma solidity ^0.8.14; contract B {}"
  // Version of the EVM to compile for
  "evm_version": "default",
  // If present, optimizations are enabled with specified number of runs, 
  // otherwise optmimizations are disabled
  "optimization_runs": 200,
  // If present, specify addresses of the libraries.
  "contract_libraries": {
    "MyLib": "0x123123..."

Standard-JSON input




  // Creation transaction input
  "creation_bytecode": "0x608060...0033000b0c",
  // Bytecode stored in the blockchain
  "deployed_bytecode": "0x608060...0033",
  // Compiler version used to compile the contract
  "compiler_version": "v0.8.14+commit.80d49f37",
  // https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/using-the-compiler.html#input-description
  "input": {
    "language": "Solidity",
    "sources": { ... },
    "settings": { ... }


Proxies verification requests to Sourcify service and returns responses (https://docs.sourcify.dev/docs/api/server/v1/verify/).




  // Address of the contract to be verified 
  "address": "0xcafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafecafe",
  // The chain (network) the contract was deployed to 
  // (https://docs.sourcify.dev/docs/api/chains/)
  "chain": "100",
  // Files required for verification (see Sourcify Api)
  "files": {
    "A.sol": "pragma solidity ^0.8.14; contract A {}",
    "B.sol": "pragma solidity ^0.8.14; contract B {}",
    // https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/v0.8.14/metadata.html
    "metadata.json": "{ ... }"
  // (optional) see Sourcify Api
  "chosenContract": 1


All verification requests have the same response format.


If verification succeeds, the service returns 200 with a success status:

  "message": "OK",
  "result": {
    // The name of the file verified contract was located at 
    "file_name": "A.sol",
    // The name of the contract which was verified
    "contract_name": "A",
    // Compiler version used to compile the contract
    "compiler_version": "v0.8.14+commit.80d49f37",
    // Source files given for verification
    "sources": {
      "A.sol": "pragma solidity ^0.8.14; contract A {}",
      "B.sol": "pragma solidity ^0.8.14; contract B {}"
    // Version of the EVM contract was compile for
    "evm_version": "default",
    // (optional) WARNING: Before version 0.8.6 omitting the 'enabled' key was not equivalent to setting
    // it to false and would actually disable all the optimizations.
    "optimization": true,
    // (optional) Specify number of optimizer runs, if optimizations are enabled
    "optimization_runs": 200,
    // Addresses of the libraries
    "contract_libraries": {
      "MyLib": "0x123123..."
    // (optional) automatically extracted from creation transaction input
    // constructor arguments used for deploying verified contract
    "constructor_arguments": "0xcafecafecafe",
    // (https://docs.soliditylang.org/en/latest/abi-spec.html?highlight=abi#json)
    "abi": "[ { ... } ]"
  // Status of 0 indicates successful verification
  "status": 0

Verification Failure

If verification fails because of invalid verification data provided to it from outside, the service returns 200 with the failure status:

  // Message indicating the reason for failure
  "message": "Compilation error: contracts/3_Ballot.sol:4:1: ParserError: Expected pragma, import directive or contract/interface/library/struct/enum/constant/function definition.\n12312313vddfvfdvfd\n^------^",
  // Non-zero status indicates an error code (currently only error code of `1` is possible)
  "status": 1

Bad Request

However, there are data that the requester is responsible for ensuring their validity. Currently, it is related only to the creation of transaction input and deployed bytecode stored in the chain for the contract to be verified, and the compiler version used in verification.

In case any of that arguments are invalid, the service return 400 BadRequest error, indicating that something is wrong with the caller.

Version List




No input required


  // List of all available versions in descending order
  "versions": ["0.8.15-nightly.2022.5.27+commit.095cc647","0.8.15-nightly.2022.5.25+commit.fdc3c8ee",..]