
Open Source version of services like IFTTT or Zapier.

MIT LicenseMIT

wshtdt - When Something Happens Then Do This

PHP Open Source version of services like IFTTT or Zapier. If you want to use this, you have to host it yourself.

Events and Actions

When something happens, this can be detected via Events. Depending on what Events were detected one or more Actions can be triggered.


Events can be passive i.e. listening for a webhook or active i.e. checking an RSS feed.


Actions can be triggered depending on what Events have been detected. An Action can depend on one or more Events.

  • RSS
  • FTP
  • DB ( MySQL )
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Slack
  • Hipchat
  • github
  • Mailchimp
  • Pinterest
  • Trello
  • Dropbox
  • Evernote
  • Bitbucket