SwiftProcessUtils (ProcessUtils)

SwiftProcessUtils offers you modern utilities for working with Darwin's low-level process-oriented functions and extensions on the fundamental pid_t type to quickly access path, name, bundle identifier, and other characteristics.


Install the package using Swift Package Manager:



import ProcessUtils;

    let xcodeProcess = SemanticProcess(
        name: "Xcode")
else {
    fatalError("Xcode is not running.");

print("Xcode has been running for \(xcodeProcess.uptime) seconds.");

Utility Functions

Name Return Description
proc_list_all_pids() [pid_t] Get a list of all PIDs for all ongoing processes.
proc_list_all_execs() [String] Get a list of every executable path for every ongoing process.
proc_exec_running(:) Bool Does an ongoing process exist for the executable at the given path?
proc_exec_pid_list(:) [pid_t] Get every process identifier for the executable at the given path, if any such processes exist.
proc_pid_exists(:) Bool Does a process with the given process identifier exist?
proc_name_running(:) Bool Does a process with the given name exist?
proc_bundle_id_exists(:) Bool Does a process with the given bundle id exist?

pid_t Extensions

Name Return Description
semanticProcess SemanticProcess The SemanticProcess-equivalent struct for this process.
currentName String? The name of the process which presently has this process identifier.
currentPath String? The path to the executable presently running under this process identifier.
currentUrl URL? The file URL for the executable presently running under this process identifier.
currentBundleIdentifier String? The bundle identifier for which the executable presently running under this process identifier was signed.
currentCodeSigningInfo [String: Any]? The code-signing info dictionary for the executable presently running under this process identifier.
launchTime Int? In epoch time, when did the process launch?
uptime Int? In seconds, how long has the process been running?
sysctlInfo kinfo_proc? The sysctl information struct for this process.

SemanticProcess Struct

The SemanticProcess struct provides a persistent store and statefulness for a process — creating a snapshot of the process' characteristics (name, exec path, etc.) at the time of initialization, and then further using this to provide detail about the process' current disposition.

For example, creating an instance using SemanticProcess(name: "imagent") could yield an SemanticProcess with the id (pid) 4321. However it's possible that during the lifecycle of your application, the instance of "imagent" being hosted under PID 4321 could be killed or terminated. As the kernel will re-use PIDs after a period of time, it is not sufficient to simply check that PID 4321 exists when considering whether or not your targeted instance of "imagent" is still ongoing. To this end, SemanticProcess will verify multiple immutable factors to determine whether or not your semantically-intended process reference is running.


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