
Quick access to Laravel's helper method documentation — right from Alfred.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


alfred-laravel-helper-docs offers you rapid access to documentation for Laravel's helper functions — including those for Collection and fluent strings.

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The workflow is triggered by the keyword larahelp but you may, of course, modify this in the Alfred workflow editor. Once activated, begin typing to search for a helper method.

Each method is decorated by an icon representative of its taxonomy (e.g. methods on Arr use a square brackets icon, collections use a "stack" icon). A preview of the method's description is shown below the method name.

Use the arrow keys to highlight your desired method, and press the SHIFT key to open a screenshot of the documentation in QuickLook. When done, press SHIFT or ESCAPE to dismiss the preview.


Screenshots and indices for the helper methods are built using NodeJS to execute Puppeteer. If you'd like to build the assets yourself, download the source and run npm run build:collections and npm run build:helpers. The required assets will be rendered in the ./assets/preview and ./assets/indices directory.

Contributing / Standards

I built this in an hour. There are no standards.


MIT — "Hell yeah, free software!"