
Dirtily scrape image links from instagram by tag, name or url.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Scraper for Instagram built on Chromeless.

How it works

Script continuously scrolls until it reaches a specified end condition (optional), creating a file in the scraped-urls directory that contains links for images.

End conditions

  • Link limit reached (specified by --max parameter)
  • Scrolled to end of profile/tag


  1. Install dependencies yarn install
  2. Launch a Chrome session with --remote-debugging-port=9222 specified.
  3. Run instagram-scrape node instagram-scrape.js with parameters specified.


  • --user : Profile name to scrape
  • --tag : Tag to scrape
  • --url : URL of a page to scrape

(One is required)

  • --max : Maximum links to scrape (Optional)