
Group users into week long cohorts based on the user's signup date - rails version

Primary LanguageRuby

Quiply Rails Build Status Maintainability Test Coverage Deploy to Heroku

Quip cohort challenge


Group users into week long cohorts based on the user's signup date. For each cohort, calculate:

  • The number of distinct users (orderers) who ordered in the first 7 days after signup. Older cohorts will have more buckets: i.e. 0-7 days, 7-14 days, 14-21 days, etc...
  • The number of distinct users who ordered for the first time in each bucket


Please output an html table or CSV that looks something like this. It should include Cohorts, # users, & entries for each bucket.

(this is only an example. this is NOT real data)

|  Cohort     |  Users      |  0-7 days   | 7-14 days  | 14-21 days  | ....
| 7/1-7/7     | 300 users   | 25% orderers (75)<br>25% 1st time (75) |             |            |
| 6/24-6/30   | 200 users   | 15% orderers (30)<br>15% 1st time (30) | 5% orderers (10)<br>1.5% 1st time (3) |            | 
| 6/17-6/23   | 100 users   | 30% orderers (30)<br>30% 1st time (30) | 10% orderers (10)<br>3% 1st time (3) |  15% orderers (15)<br>5% 1st time (5) | 
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ...

Data You Have


  • id
  • created_at


  • id
  • user_id
  • created_at
  • order_num note: this field is 1-indexed


  • Data ends in July '13
  • You should default to 8 weeks back worth of cohorts, would be nice if this is customizable (via parameter or form or something)
  • All dates are stored in UTC, but occured in PDT. Bonus points for handling that correctly.

need clarification

  • do order numbers count up from 1 for a given user? assuming yes.
  • not clear what "weeks back worth of cohorts" - assuming this is columns of order weeks, rather than history back of cohort groups, mainly because it seems like you wouldn't want unlimited columns, though it sounds like you're asking to limit the number of rows?
  • I'm leaving cells blank where there are no sales - seems more readable

seeding database

rake import:users\[filename.csv]
rake import:orders\[filename.csv]


heroku create your-quiply-app-name
heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/bundler/heroku-buildpack-bundler2
git push heroku master

build notes

This application was generated with the rails_apps_composer gem provided by the RailsApps Project.

Rails Composer is supported by developers who purchase our RailsApps tutorials.

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Ruby on Rails

This application requires:

  • Ruby 2.3.0
  • Rails

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