
Repo dedicated to cheap little SD card player with embedded memory

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Repo dedicated to cheap little SD card player with embedded memory

Aside from the following links ( with infos related to the DFPLayerMini itself or to stuff digged while writing the tool / helpful reminders ), a tool ( bash script ) is hosted on this repo ( 'copySoundsToSD.sh' ).

Its only goal is to 'hack' the files's creation timestamp ( as well as last access & last edit, just to set things straight ) so that the order in which they appear to the DFPLayerMini is the same as their alphanumerical one ( 0001a.mp3- >0001b.mp3 -> 0002a.mp3 -> .. ).

When not able to ( or when it's not desired to ) set a specific playback* mode on the DFPLayerMini while keeping files at the root of the SD card, the said hack hence allows to keep the desired order for file playback.

  • For the playback mode part: I'm currently using a library ( the only one that worked without too much glitching so far ) that send hex's for control commands not found in the docs I could find, one of the reason why I wrote this tool ( aside from that "well, let's investigate that !" inner talk ;p )


I currently use the "DFPlayer Mini Mp2 by Makuna" ( thx ! ) to drive the DFPLayer using an Arduino Micro Pro & had troubles with the following fcn ( which seem to use an incorrect hex for the control command ? ) ( R: issue generated at Makuna/DFMiniMp3#57 )

Nb: I've read https://github.com/Makuna/DFMiniMp3/wiki/API-Reference, still no yet yet sure why it does so / which manual/doc as thoses hex's from

void loopGlobalTrack(uint16_t globalTrack)
        sendPacket(0x08, globalTrack);

the little tool ( bash sript )

  • 2 cli params: 1st is to specify an alternative 'source' directory, 2nd to specify an alternative 'sink' directory as well
  • 'source' directory defautls to one named 'sounds' in the tool's working directory ( the one from which the tool is run )
  • 'sink' directory defautls to /Volumes/DFPlayer ( since it's how I name SD cards to be used for those breakouts )
  • will also do cleanups for dot files & other OS-related junk

before I forget & correct me if I'm wrong ( please ! ^^ )

  • maximum number of files at root of SD for DFPLayerMini: 2999 ( R => digg where I read this & if I'm not not / why I think I read this somewhere .. or did I wrote it ? .. => from the manual ;p )
  • SD FAT32 date format & time format are both 16 bits ( see below tables as reminders extracted from the docs )
  • yes, the way the tools achieve its goal is rather hacky ( knowing about the SD spec doc tables & the bits occupied, we could have written a tool to operate on the 'resulting' bits level, here it's just focused on getting ' alphanumerical-ordered timestamps' for thr DFPlayer to be happy )
  • maximum number of different creation timestamps using the 'timestamp formatting hack' used by the tool: ( 23 hh * 59 mm * 29 .ss ) = 39 353
  • maximum number of different creation timestamps pushing the 'timestamp formatting hack' to its limit: ( 127 yyy * 12 MM * 21 DD * 23 hh * 59 mm * 29 .ss ) = 1 859 193 132
  • the above maxi is different from the 32 bits limit ? ( which is 4 294 967 295 -> even if I do 12812312460*30 = 2 057 011 200 )
  • why does timestamps seconds changes between what I set ( using 'touch' ) between my OS FS & an SD card's FS ?: it may 'granularity' of the format ( ex: FAT32 ) timestamps ( ex: 2 seconds granularity for FAT32 )
  • when using 'cp', file creation, last edit & last access are all set to the time of copy by default
  • 'cp -p' seemed not able to set creation time ( for me at least )
  • 'SetFile -d' did indeed: joy :)

the links ( kudos to the authors ! ;p )