
My . files + a little script to install everything smoothly on any UNIX-like device.

Primary LanguagePython

Bitdeli Badge


You probably don't care about my very own dotfiles. What could be of any interest to you is a little script to install all these dotfiles on any UNIX-like device. I called it dotmyfiles.py.

Typical usage

Put all your files to be dotted into the files directory, WITHOUT the dot. Edit the custom.py file to specify the link to be done by the script between a file into the custom directory and its target which can be anywhere in your filesystem. When it's ready, type:

./dotmyfiles install

to create links between your files into the files directory and their dotted counterparts. As everything here is linked, you should never remove what's in the files directory. This is NOT a copy.

Don't worry what is already into your home, nothing is ever overwritten. The command will indicate to you the current status of the install. To be sure of what you do before, you can use:

./dotmyfiles status

to print the status of each dotfile.

The simple:

./dotmyfiles update

will fetch any submodule you installed into your repository (I do that, look at my .gitmodules file, I install Vim plugins as git submodules.)


The command-t extension requires Vim with ruby support, and furthermore, the ruby code depends on a C extension for extra speed. There's a specific command to do it directly:

./dotmyfiles make_commandT

Neat, right?