
Batch Forecasting using R and Tidyverse

Primary LanguageR

Batch Time Series Forecasting using R and Prophet

TL;DR : Given a set of time series as input, this R script groups timeseries based on shared features and generates forecasts using Facebook's Prophet forecasting package.

Processing Steps

  • Remove activity from services that have not incurred a cost in the last 30 days.
  • Create features for each timeseries:
    • length of available time series data (short vs long)
    • avg daily cost for last 30 days (low vs high)
  • Group timeseries data based on feature groupings:
    • high costs and long time series are forecasted individually.
    • high costs and short time series are forecasted together to improve accuracy.
    • low costs or short time series are forecasted together to improve accuracy.
  • Anomaly Detection and Removal
  • Generate forecasts for each forecasting group.
  • Generate forecast accuracy scores using cross validation (Not implemented.)