
checkout options

  • combine cart and checkout form
  • auto expand checkout form coupon section
  • hide order notes
  • disable selectwoo library


  • add phone and email fields to address section

display options

  • enable / disable breadcrumbs
  • enable / disable woocommerce wrapper markup
  • product columns
  • products per page
  • show variable product options on shop pages
  • enable / disable results count
  • enable / disable catalog ordering control
  • swap out tabs for vertical <details> elements on single product page

min / max quantities

  • min / max quantity fields in product data metabox
  • enforced at add to cart and input controls


  • add search by sku to default WP search query
  • add search by product categories and tags to default WP search query

recursive discounts

  • discount percent field in product data metabox
  • range control, total, and savings displayed on product page
  • follows min / max quantity guidelines

sort shipping rates

  • enable / disable price based shipping rate ordering