
DuckDB extension to read SQLite databases

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DuckDB sqlitescanner extension

The sqlitescanner extension allows DuckDB to directly read data from a SQLite database file. The data can be queried directly from the underlying SQLite tables, or read into DuckDB tables.


To make a SQLite file accessible to DuckDB, use the ATTACH command, for example with the bundled sakila.db file:

CALL sqlite_attach('sakila.db');

The tables in the file are registered as views in DuckDB, you can list them with

PRAGMA show_tables;

Then you can query those views normally using SQL, e.g. using the example queries from sakila-examples.sql

SELECT cat.name category_name, 
       Sum(Ifnull(pay.amount, 0)) revenue 
FROM   category cat 
       LEFT JOIN film_category flm_cat 
              ON cat.category_id = flm_cat.category_id 
       LEFT JOIN film fil 
              ON flm_cat.film_id = fil.film_id 
       LEFT JOIN inventory inv 
              ON fil.film_id = inv.film_id 
       LEFT JOIN rental ren 
              ON inv.inventory_id = ren.inventory_id 
       LEFT JOIN payment pay 
              ON ren.rental_id = pay.rental_id 
GROUP  BY cat.name 
ORDER  BY revenue DESC 
LIMIT  5; 

Or run them all in both SQLite and DuckDB

./duckdb/build/release/duckdb < sakila-examples.sql
sqlite3 sakila.db < sakila-examples.sql

Building & Loading the Extension

To build, type

make duckdb_release release

To run, run the bundled duckdb shell:


Then, load the SQLite extension like so:

LOAD 'build/release/sqlite_scanner.duckdb_extension';