
Yelp, but designed to help families find affordable after school activities 📚

Primary LanguageRuby


This app will help connect parents with affordable after school activities for their children in a parent-to-parent rating system and teacher endorsements for quality assurance.

I write a tutorial on Medium on how to build a dynamic search using Ruby on Rails.

Tech Stack

  • Ruby on Rails
  • PostgreSQL
  • SQLite

Getting Started

Clone this repository onto your local machine

Run bundle install to download all the necessary gems

Run rails db:migrate to create the database

Run rails db:seed to seed the database with data

Run rails s to start the app


Login or create an account as a parent or a teacher:

As a parent, you can...

  • Search for an activity by entering an activity name, zip code, or keyword in the search bar and see a list of nearby affordable after school activities (read)
  • Search for a teacher’s username in the teacher search bar and see their endorsement lists of activities (read)
  • View the activity and see a list of ratings of that activity from other parents (read)
  • Write a rating for an activity (create)
  • Edit/delete your activity ratings (update/delete)

As a teacher, you can...

  • Search for an activity by entering an activity name, zip code, or keyword in the search bar and see a list of nearby affordable after school activities (read)
  • Search for a teacher’s username in the teacher search bar and see their endorsement lists of activities (read)
  • Add activities onto my endorsement list (create)
  • Delete activities off my endorsement list (delete)

For more detail on other features, please see my Medium post about Acorn.


Some features include password encryption, authorization, validations, nested routes, numerous user journeys, dynamic search, nested forms, and the Bootstrap CSS library. Read more about the search function in my [medium post]"


  • Bootstrap: CSS library
  • Faker: fake data generator