
Curated movie list to help you choose a film for your next movie night

Primary LanguageRuby

Movie List: What You Missed Web Application (backend)

Languages and Tools

Getting Started

To get started, you will only need Ruby on Rails and Postgres. To do so, you must have Homebrew and Ruby installed first.

Node installation on OS X

In your terminal...

  1. Install Homebrew

    $ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

  2. Install Ruby

    $ brew install ruby

  3. Install Rails

    $ gem install rails

  4. Install PostgreSQL

    $ brew install postgresql


  1. Clone the repo and cd into the folder

  2. Bundle Install

    $ bundle install

  3. Create migrations, migrate and seed:

       $ rails db:migrate
       $ rails db:seed```

Launch The Server

  1. Last step, launch the rails server! $ rails s

    Start developing!